The N2O was born in 2013 in spring. It's started as a process of reimplementation of Nitrogen Web Framework behavior for better performance and code reduce. The initial version had its own render core along with pure websocket nature of the IO protocol.
First official release of N2O was made in October 2013 when N2O was presented as one having AES/CBC pickling, REST transformations, own TeX handbook and JavaScript compiler. It is also known as version 0.10.
In this minor release BERT transformations mainly were improved using parse_transform. Was introduced ETS caching. Tiny 50 LOC Makefile called otp.mk was suggested for easy production deployment. It's still best option to deploy applications. It was release 0.11.
In January 2014 release xen hosting in LING VM was initially introduced. Dependencies start to freezing; asset and deploy options were improved.
April 2014 release was a giving hand to pure JavaScript SPA applications. Now pages could be served in nginx behind Erlang cowboy web server. Initial version of N2O protocol was introduced in this release. New twitter-format stack trace messages was added for error reporting. bert.js was rewritten and jQuery was removed in this release. In 1.4 release was also introduced unified logging schema for KVS and N2O. And main WebSocket endpoint was totally rewritten to support N2O protocol.
The release of May 2014 is still supported. In this release new build tool mad was initially introduced. Version 1.5.
August 2014 version 1.8 received new cookie session manager synchronized with ETS table where all entries zipped with session keys. Client binary requests was made to exists in bin sub-protocol. KVS was first added to sample application in this release. Full HTML elements and attributes were added, which caused the growth of the nitrogen DSL size to the size of N2O.
September 2014 release was numbered 1.9. New client side protocol pipeline along with new n2o.js. For mad was issued new dynamic loader which is able to host working directory inside ETS table and readable from erlang executable script on Windows, Linux and Mac. UTF-8 support was optimized in utf8.js.
October 2014 version 1.10 was minor again. The only message in changelog were added: "nothing special". The first malfunction bug which was fixed is the racing which happened during async DOM bulding. Yes, N2O is faster than browser.
January 2015 version 2.1. Major Release. N2O book from now on can be purchased in a hardcover print. For business applications validations were introduced. n2o.js, binary.js, nitrogen.js, template.js were slightly optimized. KJELL color support from now on enabled in new review sample application. Log level support and several field and racing fixes in HTML elements.
March 2015 version 2.3. Initial Haskell implentation of N2O server is introduced. New N2O WebSocket protocol specification for all stack of applications. New auto-expiring cookie-based session and cache managers. Revised and more sane XHR fallback. Automatic language detection from routes in context. Several element fixes and latest Cowboy 1.0.1.
N2O is fast energy efficient binary protocol for IoT and WebSocket applications. I hope you will find this retrospective useful in your discovering of N2O.
Fact: fetched and built in 41s and boot under 1s. Win.
$ mad app web sample
Create File: "sample/sys.config"
Create File: "sample/apps/sample/priv/static/synrc.css"
Create File: "sample/apps/sample/src/web_app.erl"
Create File: "sample/apps/rebar.config"
Create File: "sample/apps/sample/rebar.config"
Create File: "sample/apps/sample/src/sample.app.src"
Create File: "sample/apps/sample/src/index.erl"
Create File: "sample/apps/sample/src/web_sup.erl"
Create File: "sample/apps/sample/priv/static/spa/index.htm"
Create File: "sample/rebar.config"
Create File: "sample/apps/sample/priv/templates/index.html"
Create File: "sample/apps/sample/src/routes.erl"
$ cd sample
$ time mad dep com pla
Ordered: [kernel,stdlib,fs,cowlib,crypto,
real 0m41.901s
user 0m17.785s
sys 0m5.108s
$ mad rep
Configuration: [{n2o,[{port,8000},
Applications: [kernel,stdlib,fs,cowlib,crypto,
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4]
[async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V6.2 (abort with ^G)